Sun in Leo 13'15

Become the artist. Or an entrepreneur, ceo, freelancer, talent;.. is not to becoming a product or sale speech that you repeat and repeat. That’s not what I intent to teach you. To get it right and feel accomplished. Solve the problem and sign-out. Me offering and solving one probelm will naturally embark you to another layer of growth. You won’t find satisfaction, that’s a trap, inner work is endless, but it can be fun. And that’s why I crated Collections. To change. To make mistakes. To evolve. To grow. To connect. To learn. To collect.

I think this is what we desire.

To fuck it up at one point and success anyway.

I cannot stress enough, as people come to me. “Ea can you give the “the” secret mediation and mantra”.

Yes I can solve a problem, but you are a human and you will want more. I love solving whatever you want, but don’t think that you are not human who doesn’t want to keep going. Especially if creativity is your thing.

In healing, or in any of EA practises, I design sequences to live in sync with the sun or moon. I am not giving you secrets to beat the whole world, or anyone to be the best or anything like that. I am showing you how it is uanessacry and the growth and change happen whether you want it or not. What I instead offer is the perspective and tool to use your mind and create your own reality through science of body and mind.

No practise at my collections, in MyAura or MyMoon can harm you.

It will not take you ahead of life, as it will keep you in time. HOW? The energies will give your soul the driver seat, not your ego. There is no practise that will be same. So you won’t’ be hitting plateau in your creative energy or growth you desire to see. As you won’t face challenges or obstacles in same way… because you are continously in touch with your solar nergy and purifcation of old away and adding something new in.

You also will evolve and grow faster than in any online platform I have seen. As design with nature, I am continually changing as nature does... so that’s why me giving you some secret mantra or mediation wont’ work. Yet you are right in the past, as I was growing up they did. But the times were different.

Now it is no longer about the mantras, kundalini practises but if teacher or guide can use the energies and understand how they are all interconnected.


Sun in Leo 18'52


Sun in Leo 7'37