Sun in Scorpio 24'23

This class-design is designed to 

  • is to clean your subconsiouness mind from what it has picked in a one week

  • free you from anger, negativity, emotional storms and pain

  • to remind which patterns, habits and circles in our life are meant to be left behind now

Let me know how it goes!

Aura. The Energy β€” what is power?

I’m not the sage here, but I like the saying β€œtrue power never need to prove itself to others or the world”. Maybe a great embodiment of this energy here is the be unafraid of success. unafraid of power. and radiate confidence and assuredness wherever you go. I know a woman like this, I have seen her in her element of sun, in her aura! She is beauty that naturally creates prosperity no matter where she goes. She cannot help it, she has the life force of creative that is bounteousness.


Sun in Sagittarius 0'07


Sun in Scorpio 18'45