Sun in Sagittarius 22'37

MyAura collection; is all about giving you freedom, play of life to connect with your own identity! And show us YOUR AURA. My job is to daily make you have ability to create vessel between your aura field and sun. EA method offer you this connection and receive light from sun.

This week and upcoming weeks:

Saturn, Mars: aka your Health is going over purification, transformation, healing… what is your perspective I don’t know. But the truth is that we can’t change how the planets resolve around us.  

It is important to only understand that saturn and mars are health consiouness and offer are short periods to become aware of our health. These periods can be or just are challenging. >> Stress, anxiety, fear >> that is squeezed into our nervous system.

First signs of mars, saturn are disorders in skin, eczema and so forth. 

EA METHOD gives you daily workout to your whole spine, nerve-system, glandular and hormonal health… I designed you a routine that allow the prana to reach muscles and organs by releaving stress and other fears that come up… It is simple when I can connect your nerves receive energy energy from cosmos... and this makes you out of cosmos and feels like there is uphill battle. 

I need to have you spleen (both physical and ethnic spleen) and liver working properly.


1PART is designed for upcoming mars and saturn periods that we are collective going towards, as sun is transiting soon to capricorn (which is ruled by Saturn) and mars is right behind the sun.

2PART is designed to burn saturn's reason of existence, the karma. We will be “burning” karma. The idea is to circulate prana throughout your body. And let past karma be elevated away from your field. As we work with your fingers, we are working with your face (the astral body). Face also will connect you to seven planets, seven period of life… (if you know about star of seven). In total we work with 28 years of energies that may be within you.

*This finger mantra: is science. It is rewriting the destiny. Perfect before capricorn season. Anything that happen in astral body must happen first before physical manifestation. Any person can be in change her destiny by first creating change in astral level. This is sealing the karma and dharma.

It take away klipot (negativity) karmas that you have carried from the past lives, and have to pay now. The suffering is here because of past, not because future.  As our daily actions influence karma re release and gather, this class-design aligns you to rhythm of doing good by being good. 

PART 3 the last part, I create energy for you to help you establish balance of what is acquired to succeed so short term gain are aligned with your long-term goals as values. Because we know it is not enough to win or own something; it must serve your goals in long-term.  This mediation will carry you through a confined situation to a very unconfined situation, so that you may know that beyond your world there is another world, so you may start searching for that world. 

To finish we bring Kabbalisticly the energy of Jupiter into your auratic body: downstream! 

If you got Saturn/Mars planets, you could do a bath in the evening or pedicure with massage. ( this is excellent self-care to all saturn and mars periods).


Sun in Sagittarius 28’15


Sun in Sagittarius 17'00