Sun in Scorpio 07’31

Topic continues.

This weeks’s class-design:

I use your mouth to open OP-nerve. Activate pineal gland and re-wire your subconsiouness before I play you a sacred music.

The music is for your protection, it realigns the mind with the knowledge that everywhere, G-d is at work. In meditating on this music, we release hostility, resentments, and judgments, calling forth the well-being of all. As the Mother would. No matter what. The music as it is for complete protection. It is also a victory song which allows us to be guided by G-d's graceful and merciful hand. It does away with the obstacles to fulfilling one's destiny.

IF THIS PRACTISE FEELS, I should keep doing this… you can.

As a future practice: do the meditation every day from the scorpio new moon 10/11/23 to the saqitariurs new moon 15/12/ to dump old memories and distortions, or for 40 days to complete 1.5moon cycle. As your sense of self grows along with the expanding moon, the meditation keeps you clear as you dump the subconscious. When we grow in strength and energy, our distortions often arise and block our final fulfilment and goal. So as your mind increases its projection and confidence during the lunar cycle keep your consciousness present and clear to direct those rising energies.

Any questions email to


Sun in Scorpio 13'15


Sun transit to Scorpio