Painful Periods, Acne and High Estrogen
Here’s simple hormonal science what happen inside your body: how acne and heavy & painful periods develop.
Hormone, called Estrogen.
BodyScience, Estrogen Dominance.
Estrogen dominance is becoming more & more common for modern women, and it has four key roots.
One is genetic and the other three are related to how well our liver, gallbladder, & gut are working. Though some women have a genetic tendency to produce higher estrogen levels, this accounts for a tiny number of cases.
Second which is one of the most common causes of acne. The liver is responsible for two phases of estrogen detoxification. It breaks estrogen down & stores it in bile, which moves to the gallbladder. When estrogen is chronically high, it often points to a sluggish liver, preventing efficient detoxification.
The third phase takes place in the Gl tract, where the estrogen that's been processed by the liver is eliminated. But if you're not eating enough fiber or dealing with gut dysbiosis, estrogen can sit too long in the digestive tract & get reabsorbed into the bloodstream.
Fourth is your environment, as certain bacteria in an unhealthy gut can also reactivate estrogen, making the cycle worse.
Supporting your liver, gallbladder, & gut with liver-boosting herbs, & gut-friendly foods is key to managing estrogen dominance.