Sun in Cancer 26'22

This EA practise is designed to work through a combination of mudra (hand position) and mantra (sacred sound) to awaken the intelligence of the heart. The heart center is the bridge between heaven and earth, or the spiritual and earthly planes.

Tumb — will open up your lungs and be great measurements of OJAS.

As it is Leo season, I will be using OJAS more and it should be seen as joie-de-vivre, happiness as confidence!

Something else I want to talk about it FIST MUDRA. Because joy is high expression, and part of root chakra and pelvic area, you notice how there is almost fist mudras in the end of the practise to calm you down, to remind your pelvic and root that it is safe to be joyful!! (especially if practise was more realising for you)


Sun in Leo 2'00


Sun in Cancer 20'45