Skincare In Your 20s
I heard there are two concern when it comes to long-term beauty and ageing in your 20s.
In your 20s and your 30s, you have two main concerns which are sun and free radicals.
When you reach your 40s and 50s, you'll benefit from a great team of products that you invested in your 20s.
Most significant damage in the 20s - UV-light
It's up to you what you do with this information from now on, but UV-light accounts for most of the ageing signs. UV-light causes the highest degree of damage. In your early twenties, you're the most prone to the UV-light damage if we compare the skin's ability to fight back to UV-light in the 30s. It all depends, of course, from the exposure and how well the UV-light is being blocked. Signs of ageing from UV-light will start to show on the skin in the early 30s or the late 30s.
The concern number two - free-radicals.
Free-radicals are the second biggest damaging factor, but how much your skin will create these free radicals depends on your lifestyle and environment you live in. Free radicals come from pollution, air, water, high temperature (burn), alcohol, tobacco, paracetamol, heavy metals and industrial chemicals. Also, your body produces free radicals during the digestion and breathing, for example.
Good news is that your body can get rid of X-amount of free radicals that your body naturally produces, but there is a limit to make these "helpers" to get rid of the free radicals. Good news again, it is easy to avoid these extra free radicals with a healthy and balanced lifestyle; non-smoking, food as medicine, non-toxic chemicals, for example.
Why lifestyle matters?
You have a decade to adapt few anti-ageing lifestyle habits into your life from now on.
There are many to choose from. Such as enough quality sleep, being active daily, eating nutrient-rich foods and limiting alcohol intake. Lasting transformation takes time, the good thing is that you have time. To have deep trust in your own choices, and don’t negotiate. It is luxury to be a woman, have own beauty routines that no one knows, just a pleasure on your own.
There are no short-cuts or an hour super facial that gives you a long-term success.
To create a lifestyle that fits into your life and a lifestyle you like to practise daily is a journey, not an overnight change. You will not only start to glow naturally, but have more energy and thrive in every day life.
What I’ve learnt from ease and forcing is to actually stop and listen a body. It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle – to learn to listen hunger cues, so I only eat when I’m truly hungry and I stop when I’m are full.
The Habits in 20s
¹ Use sunscreen. Check out the sunscreen army list to avoid certain ingredients; not to cause you any disruptive hormonal problems in your 20s and later in life.
² Start a double cleansing routine. Two cleansers one removing oil dirt and one removing non-oily dirt. For example, combination of milk and micellar water.
³ Start using a day cream. Find best that there is to your skin type.
After 25th birthday
There are hormonal changes that occur for woman around at the age of 25. I can attest to this. I started to look more mature. And my lifestyle requiring more time looking after my skin. Yet, I still do not use eye cream or serum every day. I try to listen when my body needs eye cream or a serum, even I have written to my notes what to consider when it come to my skincare routine… thus I would share with my own children the information below.
+25 add antioxidant-rich night cream/ serum/ oil that fits to your skin type.
+25 start using eye cream.
Start building a list of personal standards for proper diet and exercise. Because these two lifestyle factors diet and exercise will dominate ageing process, smoking and heavy drinking.
Some of us may need to use eye cream earlier and some of us later, but I recommend starting to use eye cream earlier when you notice changes under your eyes. Remember that lack of sleep and stress does is not mean you need eye cream…