Skincare In your 30s

The previous decade (20s) is now about to start showing itself. The dominating lifestyle habits in your 20s are there to be seen: quality sleep, being active, eating nutrient-rich diet, protecting skin from UV-light, protect your skin from pollution and the double cleanse routine (dirts and oils away before bedtime), and the quality of alcohol and quantity of smoking.

30s Concern

Water. The skin becomes more easily dehydrated. If the skin is dehydrated, it will cause unwanted chemical reactions. So called ‘allergies’ or ‘pimples’. In the long-term leading to elastic changes (collagen).

A product that includes hyaluronic acid will enhance skin’s hydration. Hyaluronic acid is naturally produced by the skin, but the production declines with age. Products with label ‘Hyaluronic Acid’, comes with age. (Personally I have been waiting to buy this bottle with Hyaluronic Acid from Dr. Barbara Strum now for what 5 years… and get to know her famous Hyaluronic formula…)

The role of hyaluronic acid is to keep the skin hydrated, starting to early can confuse skin’s natural production! Start using there are signs of dehydration in your skin.

30s Habits

¹ Clean lifestyle.

Healthy eating, intuitive sleep times, exercise/ movement, reduce stress, quality of drinks and foods, limit alcohol, (time to think about quitting smoking and heavy drinking if not already). This becomes way more important in your 30s more than in your 20s.

² Add hyaluronic acid serum into routine.

³ Add an antioxidant oil or a serum into your evening routine.

Look for a product which contains C-, E- or betacarotene and use this antioxidant products when your putting the night cream.

4.  Rosehip oil.

Use rosehip oil to any blemishes as ‘medicine.

Above all listen, look and be present while looking after your skin.

I’m big believer or breaking out routine, no skin needs creams every day. But a good cleanse and daily attention.

Skincare Army 30s

  1. Water.

The quality of your drinking water, eating water (vegetable rich diet).

2. Hyaluronic Acid

Product that helps to balance the process of hyaluronic acid declination. A good product that works as doctor when new cellular changes happen.

3. Cleaner lifestyle, cutting out 20s last bits.

I know, it may feels like more restrictions. But don’t worry it happens naturally. Like as a child you loved chicken nuggets and French fries every week, then you mature to collage and soon into adult life; social nights with tiny appetisers and glass of wine. There is time and place for each change within us.  And honesty I cannot wait what will I drop? I wonder if my daily  peace of chocolate turns out to be unnecessary. Who knows what we believe with more wisdom.

You can spend money in so many other ways than constantly buying new promising “super” lotions”, following market trends, or using what neighbours do. Cleaner one is within, there is little externally needs to be done.


Skincare In your 40s


Skincare In Your 20s