Skincare In your 40s

Skincare at 40s

The previous decades, 20s and 30s, are all on your skin. I think there is beauty in a woman who ages, and I do believe woman in her 40s — deserves attention here.



What is your monthly sugar intake? I could promise you that just thinking about switching sugar intake to healthy sugar will do miracles for you. Depends on your previous lifestyle and other factors… e.g. smoking and heavy drinking will always dominate diet and exercise regarding skin and its ageing process.


Daily intake of C-vitamin is the second miracle to add to diet. C-vitamin will cellular cycle and brightness that has been declining.

40s Habits

¹ Lessen the sugar intake; milk, gluten. They cause inflammation naturally.

² Look for face oil or serum that contains hyaluronic acid and vitamins A, C, E.

³ Look for a moistures/ oil/ serum with botanical oils, C-vitamin and peptides to stimulate collagen production and cell turnover.

4. Exfoliating product with a-hydroxyl acid, avoid scrubs. (skin gets thinner with age)

5. Serum which is targeted to pigmentation. Seek for extracts like narcissus, buddleia.

Try acupuncture (facial/ body), are used as skincare regime in eastern hemisphere. According to the research papers, acupuncture boosts skin’s firmness. There is quite a lot of research papers out there about acupuncture benefits.

The common damage in the 40s 

Nothing you couldn’t have guessed. Often the damage comes from sugary diet. A high sugar diet stimulates inflammation within the body. Inflammation causes the dullness, which then interrupts the skin’s normal process. Add anti-inflammatory foods into your daily diet. Simple anti-inflammatory ingredients can be as ease and flavoured: cardamom, cinnamon and turmeric.

A book written by Dr. Steven Gundry, who advocates cutting out lectins from your diet (found in grains and legumes) for a diet that is very anti-inflammatory.

Visible signs

Dull skin


Sun damage (pigmentation) shown as wrinkles and lines.

Dark under-eye circles

Collagen and elastin production decreases, which causes the skin to lose its elasticity and firmness.

Liver spots

Cells reproduction slows down, which makes the skin more permeable. In some people, rosacea may develop.


Skincare In Your 50s


Skincare In your 30s